A comprehensive Integrated Mosquito Management program includes adult mosquito control. This is the practice of treating adult mosquitoes by applying products using truck or ATV-mounted Ultra Low Volume (ULV) units. JCVCD makes decisions regarding adult mosquito treatments based on surveillance, disease testing, and public requests for service.

Jackson County
2024 West Nile Virus Activity
Updated 9/24/2024
Mosquito Pools Tested
WNV Positive Mosquito Pools
Infected Horses
Human Cases
- Anvil® 10+10 - ULV
- DeltaGard - EPA reduced risk
- Zenivex - EPA reduced risk
Planned Adult Mosquito Treatment 08/29/2024
We are planning to conduct adult mosquito control treatments on certain routes within the red highlighted areas between 3-6 am on 08/29/2024.
We will not be treating the entire highlighted areas. Only specific locations within highlighted areas where there are public requests for service or high trap numbers will receive treatments.
We try to update this information in a timely manner, but many factors impact our ability to conduct adult mosquito control. This map is for informational purposes only and is not a guarantee of treatment in the areas shown, nor a guarantee of non-treatment in other areas.